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In order to preserve the heritage of telecommunications and its history in Egypt since 1882, Telecom Egypt adopted the project of establishing the "Telecommunications Museum". The museum includes various devices and equipment some of which go back to the early telecommunications history, and throughout the stages of the development of this promising industry. The museum serves evidence on the technological progress that Telecom Egypt achieved during the past era.
The museum was established on 27May 2010, and is located within the premises of Telecom Egypt Training Sector, 5 Al-Shohadaa' Street, Sixth District, Nasr City, in front of Al-Azhar University.
Main and Subsidiary Section of the Museum:
- Local Network
- Telephone Sets
- Cable Fault Locator
- Switches
- Exchanges
- Transmission
- Fiber Optics
- Data Transfer
- Projectors and Microfilm
- Historical Documents
- Outdoor Museum
In line with our efforts to maintain our heritage, record and preserve it using scientific methodologies, and safeguard the features that distinguish Telecom Egypt thanks to its rich history spanning over 170 years in the field of telecommunications and networks at the local, regional and global levels.
Documentation has a main role in shedding lights on the value of the historical items, reviving heritage, and developing their cultural and historical significance. In this regard, TE’s Museum is one of the most important documentation tools and awareness-raising platforms.
TE Museum, located at the Training and Development Sector, features a number of heritage items that illustrate the historical sequence of communication tools and technologies, and documents the history of telecommunications in Egypt since the founding of TE and over its various stages of development in the field of ICT.
In coordination with the Supreme Council of Antiquities, TE Museum collectibles have been documented as antiquities, pursuant the Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) no. 117 of the year 1983 and its amendments.